Gadget Cover Option

Tailor your policy by selecting this optional cover during your quotation. This optional extension could be useful if you are taking gadgets on a Trip.

Winter Sport

icon for winter sports cover

Business Cover

icon for business trip

Sport Equipment

icon for Sports Equipment


icon for covid


icon for Gadget Cover


icon for Terrorism Disruption


icon for Wedding Cover

One-Way Trip

icon for One way trip extension


icon for golf cover


icon for car hire excess cover

The Gadget Cover Optional extension is only available if you purchase Gold or Platinum level benefits.

What is covered

  • Accidental Damage and Malicious Damage to Your Gadget
  • Theft or Loss of Your Gadget
  • Liquid Damage to Your Gadget
  • Unauthorised Calls, Texts or Data use with Your Gadget


Section 14 only applies if You have opted to purchase the Gadget cover extension and it is shown in Your Schedule of Insurance. We will pay You up to the Sum Insured shown in Your Schedule of Insurance

Definitions applicable to this section only:

1. Accessories
Any item that You may attach or connect to Your Gadget (for example a phone charger).

2. Accidental Damage
The unintentional and unforeseen failure, breakage or destruction of Your Gadget, with visible evidence of an external force being applied and which results in the Gadget being unusable.

3. Cosmetic Damage
Any damage which is non-structural, including but not limited to scratches, dents and marks, which does not affect the usage of the Gadget.

4. Gadget
The portable electronic equipment item(s) owned by You, the replacement value of which must not exceed the Gadget Single Item Limit and shown within the relevant proof of purchase, that is in good condition and in full working order at the time of Your Trip, including Laptops, Mobile Phones, Smart Phones, iPhones, iPads, Tablets, e-readers, MP3 Players, CD/DVD Players, Head/Ear Phones, Satellite Navigation Devices, PDAs, handheld games, consoles, cameras, video cameras and wearable technology (e.g. smart watch or health and fitness tracker) but excluding drones.

5. Liquid Damage
Damage caused by Your Gadget Accidentally coming into contact with any liquid which results in the Gadget being unusable.

6. Loss
Gadget has been Accidentally lost by You and You are permanently deprived of its use.

7. Malicious Damage
The intentional or deliberate actions of another party which causes damage of Your Gadget.

8. Proof of Purchase
An original receipt and any other documentation required to prove Your Gadget was purchased from a UK VAT or EU, EEA Gibraltar or Monaco registered company and that it is owned by You – including the date of purchase, make and model of Your Gadget, where applicable.

9. Proof of Usage
Evidence that shows Your Gadget has been in use before the event giving rise to the claim. Where the Gadget is a mobile phone this evidence can be obtained from Your Airtime provider. For other Gadgets, such as laptops or tablets, in the event of Accidental Damage claims this may be determined through inspection by Our repairers.

10. Replacement Item(s)
An identical Gadget of the same age and condition, or if not available, one of comparable specification or the equivalent value taking into account the age and condition of the original Gadget. Replacement Items will only be delivered to a UK, Gibraltar, EU, EEA or Monaco address of Your choice.

11. Theft
The unlawful taking of Your Gadget against Your will by another party using force or threat of violence, with the intent to permanently deprive You of that Property, or burglary by forcible and violent entry, as confirmed by a Police crime report.

12. Unauthorised Calls, Texts or Data Use
Any calls, texts or data use made from Your Gadget after the time that it was stolen, to the time that it was blacklisted by Your airtime provider.

What is covered

We will pay up to the amount shown in Your Schedule of Insurance in respect of Gadgets owned by You against Theft, Loss, Accidental Damage and Malicious Damage, Liquid Damage and Unauthorised Calls, Texts or Data Use, while You are on a Trip.

Cover is provided per Policy and applies to all persons listed on the Schedule of Insurance. The limit applies per Policy not per person insured.

SECTION 14.1 – Accidental Damage and Malicious Damage

What is covered

You are covered up to the amount shown in Your Schedule of Insurance for the costs of repairing Your Gadget as a result of Accidental Damage or Malicious Damage, which was not expected or bound to happen. If We are unable to economically repair Your Gadget then, at Our discretion, a Replacement Item will be provided by Us.

What is not covered

1. deliberate damage or neglect of the Gadget;

2. failure on Your part to follow the manufacturer’s instructions;

3. inspection, maintenance, routine servicing or cleaning.

4. Malicious Damage caused by You, Your Family or any of Your travelling companions.

SECTION 14.2 – Theft or Loss

What is covered

You are covered up to the amount shown in Your Schedule of Insurance to replace Your Gadget with a Replacement Item if it is stolen or lost. Where only part or parts of Your Gadget have been stolen or lost, We will only replace that part or parts.

What is not covered

1. where the Theft has occurred from any motor vehicle where You or someone acting on Your behalf is not in the vehicle, unless the Gadget has been concealed in a locked boot, locked glove compartment or other locked internal compartment and all the vehicle’s windows and doors were closed and locked and all security systems had been activated;

2. for Theft from any premises, building, land or vehicle unless force resulting in damage to the building, premises or vehicle was used to gain entry or exit;

3. where the Gadget has been removed from Your control or the control of a member of Your Family unless it was concealed either on or about Your person or on or about the person of a member of Your Family and has not been left unattended.

4. where the Gadget has been left unattended when it is away from Your home;

5. where all precautions have not been taken;

6. where the following actions are not undertaken:

i. You must report the Theft or Loss of Your Gadget to the police within 24 hours of discovery and obtain a written police report or crime reference number in relation to the Theft of the item. Lost property numbers are not acceptable in support of a Theft claim.

ii. You must report the Theft or Loss of Your mobile phone within 12 hours of discovery of the occurrence of the Theft or Loss to Your airtime provider and instruct them to blacklist Your handset.

iii. if Your claim is for a mobile phone or smartphone, We will request Your call records to prove the Gadget has been in use since Policy inception and up to the event giving rise to the claim.

SECTION 14.3 – Liquid Damage

What is covered

You are covered up to the amount shown in Your Schedule of Insurance to repair or provide a replacement item for Your Gadget as a result of Liquid Damage.

SECTION 14.4 – Unauthorised Calls, Texts or Data Use

here Your Gadget is a device where You are charged for Unauthorised Calls, Texts or Data Use and it is lost or stolen.

What is covered

You are covered up to the amount shown in Your Schedule of Insurance for cost of any calls, texts or data used after the time it was lost or stolen to the time it was blacklisted by Your airtime provider. This is subject to You providing an itemised bill. The maximum We will pay for any one occurrence is £/€ 100.

You are not covered for any Unauthorised Calls, Texts or Data Use where the Theft has not been reported to Your airtime provider within 12 hours of the Theft and there is no protection from such losses from them.

What is not covered under Section 14

In addition to the General Conditions and Exclusions shown in Your Policy Wording:

1. the amount of the Excess shown in Your Schedule of Insurance.

2. any Loss, Theft or Accidental Damage to a Gadget left as ‘checked in’ baggage.

3. any Loss, Theft or Accidental Damage to a Gadget prior to Your Trip.

4. any claim for Loss where the circumstances of the Loss cannot be clearly identified i.e. where You are unable to confirm the time and place of the Loss.

5. any claim where proof of usage cannot be provided or evidenced.

6. loss, damage, destruction, distortion, erasure, corruption or alteration of electronic data from any computer virus or similar mechanism or as a result of any failure of the internet, or loss of use, reduction in functionality, cost, expense of whatsoever nature resulting therefrom, regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss.

7. any kind of damage whatsoever unless the damaged Gadget is provided for repair.

8. any expense incurred as a result of not being able to use the Gadget, or any Loss other than the repair or replacement costs of the Gadget.

9. repairs or any other costs for:
a) cleaning, inspection, routine servicing or maintenance;
b) Loss or damage arising from a manufacturer’s defect or recall of the Gadget;
c) replacement of or adjustment to fittings, control knobs or buttons, batteries or aerials;
d) any repairs carried out without prior authorisation from Us;
e) claims arising from abuse, misuse or neglect;
f) wear and tear to the Gadget and/or gradual deterioration of performance;
g) Cosmetic Damage;
h) sudden and unforeseen electrical or mechanical breakdown.

10. any claim if the serial number, IMEI (international mobile equipment identity) or sim gate has been tampered with in any way or deleted.

11. any claim made, or any event causing the need for a claim to be made, which occurred prior to the commencement date of the Period of Insurance.

12. any claim for a mobile phone which has not been used for its core purpose since the inception of Your Policy, or since it was added to Your Policy, as verified by Your airtime provider.

13. any claim arising whilst You are not on a Trip.

14. any repair or replacement if a SIM card registered to You was not in the insured mobile phone or Gadget the time of the Accidental Damage, Theft, Loss, breakdown, or Liquid Damage.

15. any expense incurred arising from not being able to use the Gadget, or any costs other than the repair or replacement costs of the Gadget.

16. Accidental Damage, Malicious Damage, Theft, Loss, or Liquid Damage to accessories of any kind.

17. any breakdown arising from the failure of any electrical or computer equipment, software, micro- controller, microchip, accessories or associated equipment to correctly recognise and process any calendar date or time.

18. reconnection costs or subscription fees of any kind.

19. costs arising from the replacement of any personalised ring tones, graphics, downloaded material or software.

20. items purchased from an on-line auction site unless from a UK VAT or EU, EEA, Gibraltar or Monaco registered company.

21. any costs for Loss or damage to information or data or software contained in or stored on the Gadget whether arising as a result of a claim paid by this insurance or otherwise.

22. any other costs that arise directly or indirectly from the event which led to Your claim unless specifically stated in this Policy.

23. liability of whatsoever nature arising from ownership or use of the Gadget, including any Illness or injury resulting from it.

24. Value Added Tax (VAT) where You are registered with HM Revenue & Customs for VAT.

25. any Loss, Theft or Accidental Damage due to confiscation or detention by customs, other officials or authorities.

26. any Gadget more specifically insured elsewhere, or costs or payments recoverable from any party, under the terms of any other contract, guarantee or warranty.


1. cover is limited to one claim per item during any single Period of Insurance. Cover is limited to one replacement per Period of Insurance per item, up to the amount specified Your Schedule of Insurance.

2. cover includes the use of the Gadget for the period and Territorial Area shown on Your Schedule of Insurance. Any repairs or replacements must be carried out in the UK, Gibraltar, EU, EEA or Monaco by repairers or retailers approved by Us will be supplied and configured to UK specification and set- up in the English language.

3. the Gadget must be less than 6 years old (except for laptops which must be less than 3 years old) at the start date of the insurance, with valid proof of purchase. All items must have been purchased as new from a UK VAT, EU, EEA or Monaco registered company and must be in full working order at the start date of this Policy.

4. You must provide Us with any receipts, proof of usage or documents to support Your claim as requested. All proof of purchase must include the make and model of the Gadget and must be in Your name. If We do not receive the documents We have requested from You or if any documents submitted by You are not acceptable to Us, it may delay Your claim or We may decline to pay Your claim.

5. You must take all precautions to prevent any Damage to Your Gadget.

6. if Your Gadget is damaged whilst in the custody of a carrier (i.e. airline, railway, shipping company, bus company. etc), You must notify such carrier immediately and obtain a copy of their report.

7. We will process Your claim under the terms and conditions of this insurance based on the first reason notified to Us for the claim. Please note that it may be necessary for Us to contact Your airtime provider in order to validate Your claim.

8. the benefits of this Policy cannot be transferred to someone else or to any other Gadget without Our written permission.

Repairs and Replacement Conditions:

Where We are able to provide a Replacement Item, this is not on a ‘new for old’ basis. If Your Gadget cannot be replaced with an identical Gadget of the same age and condition, We will replace it with one of comparable specification or the equivalent value taking into account the age and condition of the original Gadget subject to the following depreciation scale (laptops limited to three years):

20% over one year old and less than two years old
30% over two years old and less than three years old
40% over three years old and less than four years old
60% over four years old and less than five years old
80% over five years old and less than six years old

Please note :
a) if We replace Your Gadget the damaged or lost items becomes Ours. If it is returned or found You must notify Us and send it to Us if We ask You to.

b) it may not always be possible or economical to replace Your Gadget with the same colour or finish, in which case an alternative colour/finish will be provided.

Please check our Policy Wording for full details.

In addition to Your standard cover You can add the following benefits:

Gadget Cover (Up to 4 Gadgets)

Silver Cover

Gold Cover

Platinum Cover


Accidental & Malicious Damage Not Available £/€1,000 £/€2,000 £/€100 or 50
Theft or Loss Not Available £/€1,000 £/€2,000 £/€100 or 50
Liquid Damage Not Available £/€1,000 £/€2,000 £/€100 or 50
Unauthorised Usage Not Available £/€500 (Limit 100 per occurrence) £/€500 (Limit 100 per occurrence) £/€100 or 50
Single Item Limit all sections Not Available £/€500 £/€500 £/€100 or 50