Covid-19/SARs-CoV-2 Cover Extension

Tailor Your Policy by selecting this Optional Cover on your quotation. This optional extension could be useful if you wish to be covered for COVID-19 before and whilst on a Trip.

Winter Sport

icon for winter sports cover

Business Cover

icon for business trip

Sport Equipment

icon for Sports Equipment


icon for covid


icon for Gadget Cover


icon for Terrorism Disruption


icon for Wedding Cover

One-Way Trip

icon for One way trip extension


icon for golf cover


icon for car hire excess cover

Section 16 only applies if You have opted to purchase the COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 cover extension. In this instance, General Exclusion 26 will not apply.

SECTION 16.1 – Cancellation



Provided You or any person named on the policy, or a Relative living at the same residential address, or a child or parent who is due to travel with You and has an existing Europesure policy, which includes this optional cover, has been fully vaccinated in accordance with the regulations and recommendations in force in Your Country of Residence at least 42 days before the Trip is due to start, We will pay any irrecoverable or unused travel and accommodation expenses for which You have paid in advance or for which You have contracted to pay, up to the sum insured shown on Your Schedule of Insurance, if:

  1. You, or any person named on the policy or a Relative living at the same residential address, or a child or parent who is due to travel with you and has an existing Europesure policy which includes this optional cover, is hospitalised up to 28 days before Your Trip. or
  2. You, or any person named on the policy or a Relative living at the same residential address, or a child or parent, who is due to travel with you and has an existing Europesure policy which includes this optional cover, has had a COVID test administered by a professional at a registered facility and has tested positive for COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 up to 14 days before Your Trip and You have to quarantine/self-isolate. or
  3. You, or any person named on the policy or a Relative living at the same residential address, or a child or parent, who is due to travel with you and has an existing Europesure policy which includes this optional cover, shows symptoms of COVID-19 at the point of departure for Your Trip and are denied boarding. This is subject to all the following

i. Your transport or accommodation provider not reimbursing You or offering alternative dates
ii. written evidence from Your transport provider that You, or any person named on the policy or a Relative living at the same residential address or a child or parent who is due to travel with you and has an existing Europesure policy which includes this optional cover, has been denied boarding due to potential COVID-19 infection and
iii. a positive COVID-19 test being administered by a professional at a registered facility within 24 hours of this denial at Your expense

SECTION 16.2 – Extended Stay


We will pay:

16.2.1 additional accommodation costs (of a standard no greater than Your original booking) up
to the amount shown in Your Schedule of Insurance and
16.2.2 the additional cost of return transportation to Your Home Country (of a standard no greater than the class of journey and in the same mode of transport You originally paid for) up to the amount shown in Your Schedule of Insurance if:
a. You, or any person named on the policy or a Relative, who is travelling with you and has an existing Europesure policy which includes this optional cover, or any person whose home You have stayed in, or any person with whom You have conducted business, contracts COVID-19 during Your Trip or You are required to follow a personal “track and trace” directive and You are forced to quarantine/self-isolate in accordance with local regulations and cannot make the return journey on the planned date. This is subject to the following:
i. You providing evidence of a COVID-19 diagnosis and/or
ii. You providing evidence of the requirement to quarantine
iii. Your transport or accommodation provider not reimbursing You or offering alternative dates

b. You, or any person named on the policy or a Relative, who is travelling with you and has an existing Europesure policy which includes this optional cover, show symptoms of COVID-19 at the point of departure for Your return Trip and are denied boarding. This is subject to all the following:
i. Your transport or accommodation provider not reimbursing You or offering alternative dates
ii. written evidence from Your transport provider that You have been denied boarding due to potential COVID-19 infection and
iii. a positive COVID-19 test being administered by a professional at a registered facility within 24 hours of this denial at Your expense


We will pay up to the amount shown in Your Schedule of Insurance for Emergency Medical, Repatriation and Other Expenses under Sections 2.1 – 2.4 if you catch COVID-19 whilst on Your Trip.


In addition to the General Conditions and Exclusions in your Policy wording:

  1. There is no cover if the requirement to quarantine/self-isolate is a general requirement for all persons staying in a specific accommodation or a general lockdown in the region in which You are staying and which is not subject to a personal “track and trace” directive.
  2. There is no cover if You cannot make the return journey on Your planned return date because of a legal restriction on outbound travel by the government or local authority in the country in which you are staying.
  3. Conditions and Exclusions applicable to Section 1. Cancellation and Disruption.
  4. Exclusions applicable to Section 2 – Emergency Medical, Repatriation and other Expenses.
  5. Cover under any other Section of this Policy.


If you purchase a Single Trip policy the extension can be purchased at any time after the date of issue of the policy until the day before the Trip is due to start.

Annual Multi Trip policyholders can purchase the extension at any time during the validity period of the policy except when the policy is being used during a trip.

Please check our Policy Wording for full details.

Covid-19/SARs-CoV-2 Cover Extension

Silver Cover

Gold Cover

Platinum Cover


Cancellation / Curtailment £/€1,500 £/€2,500 £/€5,000 £/€100 or 50
Accommodation £/€50 per 24 hours up to 700 £/€100 per 24 hours up to 1,400 £/€150 per 24 hours up to 2,100 Nil
Transport costs £/€300 Europe 500 worldwide £/€600 Europe 1,000 worldwide £/€900 Europe 1,500 worldwide Nil
Emergency Medical, Repatriation and Other Expenses (cover as Sections 2.1 -2.4) £/€1,000,000 £/€3,500,000 £/€10,000,000 £/€100 or 50