Car Hire Excess Option

Tailor your policy by selecting this optional cover during your quotation. This optional extension could be useful if you are hiring a car during your trip.

Winter Sport

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Business Cover

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Sport Equipment

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One-Way Trip

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Car Hire Excess Waiver Cover is only available if you purchase an Annual Multi-Trip Insurance policy.

Section 17 only applies if You have opted to purchase the Car Hire Excess Waiver cover extension and it is shown in Your Schedule of Insurance.

This insurance is valid for one Rental Vehicle at any one time, which may be driven and operated by You.

Definitions applicable to this section only


Accident means a sudden, unexpected event caused by something external and visible, which results directly in loss or damage.

Car Rental Agreement

Car Rental Agreement means the contract of hire between the vehicle rental company and the person insured, which is signed by You and that states the Excess You are responsible for, following Damage to the Insured Vehicle during the Rental Period.


Means Damage to the Insured Vehicle caused by fire, vandalism, Accident or theft occurring during Your Rental Period.


The amount stated in Your Car Rental Agreement that You are responsible for in the event of Damage to the Insured Vehicle

Insured Vehicle

The vehicle rented under a Car Rental Agreement within the area of cover detailed on Your Schedule of Insurance and which You have agreed to hire from them according to the terms of Your Car Rental Agreement. The vehicle must:

a. be no more than 10 years old;
b. have no more than 9 seats;
c. not be driven off a public highway;
d. not be a motor home, campervan, commercial vehicle, minibus, motorcycle or moped;
e. have a retail purchase price of less than £/€ 50,000.

Rental Period

Rental Period means the dates You have arranged to hire the Insured Vehicle, as confirmed on Your Car Rental Agreement.

a. You will only be covered if You are aged between 21 and 65 at the date Your policy was issued.
b. A Rental Period booked to last longer than Your Period of Insurance is not covered.

SECTION 17.1 – Excess Reimbursement


We will pay up to the amounts shown in Your Schedule of Insurance if the Insured Vehicle is Accidentally Damaged, involved in an Accident or stolen during the Rental Period in respect of:

a. the Accidental Damage Excess amount applied to Your vehicle hire insurance and specified in Your Car Rental Agreement following Damage to the Insured Vehicle’s tyres, wheels, windscreen, bodywork, undercarriage, exhaust or suspension.
b. towing costs incurred following physical loss or Damage of the Insured Vehicle following an Accident.


You are not covered for:

a. any claim where You have not followed the terms of Your Car Rental Agreement.
b. the actual cost of the Damage to the Insured Vehicle.
c. any claim relating to Damage to the Insured Vehicle interior.
d. mechanical failure of the Insured Vehicle.
e. general wear and tear.
f. any Damage or costs covered by Your Car Rental Agreement.

Please note: This section provides reimbursement of the Excess that You are responsible for under the terms of Your Car Rental Agreement (up to the limits of this policy). It does not cover the full value of the Insured Vehicle or the actual cost of the Damage to the Insured Vehicle.

SECTION 17.2 – Key Cover and Lock Out

We will pay up to the amount shown in Your Schedule of Insurance (sum insured is per policy per policy period) to replace the Insured Vehicle keys if these are lost, stolen, or Damaged during the Rental Period.

This will also include where necessary:
a. the costs to replace locks or for a locksmith to break into the Insured Vehicle or
b. for a locksmith to gain entry to the Insured Vehicle in the event that You are locked out of the Insured Vehicle because the keys are inside. All without causing Damage to the vehicle.


You are not covered unless the locksmith has been approved by the vehicle rental company prior to call out.

SECTION 17.3 – Curtailment of Rental

We will pay up to the amount shown in Your Schedule of Insurance if the Car Rental Agreement is cancelled or cut short after the start of your Trip on the advice of a medical practitioner. You must be confined to a bed in a hospital, hotel or in private accommodation during such time that the vehicle rental was booked and paid for.


You are not covered for

a. any claim if You are unable to provide a copy of;
i. the Car Rental Agreement, and
ii. a medical certificate from a medical practitioner confirming the nature of the illness, dates of the illness and the dates You were confined to bed.
b. any pre-existing medical condition as defined in General Definition 23 and General Exclusion 27

SECTION 17.4 – Drop off Charges

We will pay up to the amount shown in Your Schedule of Insurance for any drop off charges You incur through the vehicle rental company in the event of there being no one on the Car Rental Agreement available to return the Insured Vehicle to the originally intended car rental station following an Accident/illness for which at least one night’s hospitalisation takes place.


You are not covered

a. if Your Car Rental Agreement is a one-way rental.
b. unless You can provide written evidence from a doctor or hospital to confirm the reason for Your inability to drive the Insured Vehicle.
c. any pre-existing medical condition as defined in General Definition 23 and General Exclusion 27

SECTION 17.5 – Mis-Fuelling

We will pay up to the amount shown in the Your Schedule of Insurance (sum insured is per policy and per policy period) for each mis-fuel incident for one of the following if You accidentally add the wrong fuel to the Insured Vehicle and it is at risk of being Damaged:

a. The cost to take You, the Insured Vehicle and up to 8 passengers to a garage to drain the contaminated fuel and flush the fuel system; or
b. The cost for a technician to attend the Insured Vehicle at the roadside to drain the contaminated fuel and flush the fuel system


You are not covered for

a. Any claims for the cost of repair or replacement of any mechanical part or Damage to the engine arising from the use of the incorrect fuel; or
b. Any costs associated with any missed departure; or
c. Any costs from any consequential loss whatsoever. Claims shall only be paid for those losses which are specifically stated under the terms of this insurance.


In addition to the General Conditions and Exclusions shown in Your Policy Wording:

We will not pay any claim directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to:

  1. If You do not hold a full, valid and internationally recognised driving license.
  2. If the driver at the time the claim arises is not a named person on the Schedule of Insurance.
  3. If the driver at the time the claim arises is not a named person on the Car Rental Agreement.
  4. If the Car Rental Agreement is for longer than the period for which cover has been purchased.
  5. The Insured Vehicle is being used in or training for racing competitions, trials, rallies or speed testing
  6. Driving the Insured Vehicle in violation of the terms of the Car Rental Agreement.
  7. Any claim relating to persons who are not named on the Car Rental Agreement.
  8. Drivers who are aged under twenty-one (21) years or over sixty-five (65) years at the date Your policy is issued.
  9. If the Insured Vehicle has a retail purchase price in excess of £/€ 50,000 or is over ten years (10)
  10. The rental of a motor home, trailer, caravan, van, truck, non-passenger carrying vehicle, vehicle that carries more than nine (9) people including the driver, motorcycle, moped, motorbike, off-road vehicle or a recreational vehicle
  11. Automobiles or other vehicles which are not Insured Vehicles which are rented from a car rental company
  12. Claims arising whilst driving on safaris or adventure trails
  13. Claims arising from driving whilst not on a Public Highway, except when travelling to and from accommodation that is only accessible by a road surface not defined as a Public Highway and, in these circumstances, due care and attention must be exercised to minimise risk of any Damage to the Insured Vehicle
  14. Any expenses assumed, waived or paid by the Car Rental Company or its own insurers
  15. Claims for wear and tear, gradual deterioration, insect or vermin, inherent vice or Damage
  16. Any expenses reimbursed from any other source or any other insurance.
  17. For any claim or incident occurring prior to the date of the Car Rental Agreement

Please check our Policy Wording for full details.

Car Hire Excess Waiver - option

Silver Cover

Gold Cover

Platinum Cover


Excess Reimbursement
Towing Costs (following an accident)



Key Cover and Lock-Out £/€500 (per year) £/€500 (per year) £/€500 (per year) Nil
Curtailment of
Rental Per day
Per Car Hire Agreement



Drop-off Charges £/€300 £/€300 £/€300 Nil
Mis-Fueling £/€500 (per year) £/€500 (per year) £/€500 (per year) Nil