Frequently asked questions

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Will I be covered for medical expenses if I ride my own motorcycle?

Yes you will be covered for medical expenses if you ride your own motor cycle during a Trip away from your country of residence provided you have a full licence, are wearing a safety helmet and you are riding on road.

Can I buy a policy after I have already travelled?

Yes, you can purchase a single trip policy for the remaining part of your trip. There will be no cover for any pre-existing medical conditions and the full period of your Trip away from your Country of Residence, including this already travelled policy, must not exceed the policy maximums for your age. Other conditions apply. Details can be found in Definition 21 – Period of Insurance, of the full Policy wording.

What if my question isn’t listed here?

If you have a question which is not answered here, please feel free to contact us at or telephone +44 (0) 1277 637585.

What should I do if I am not satisfied with the policy cover, the way a claim has been handled or any other matter pertaining to my insurance?

In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied, please follow the Complaints procedure shown in your Schedule of Insurance. Or refer to the How to Complain information on the Complaints page of this website.

In what currency can I pay my premium and what currency will apply to the benefits under my policy?

If you are resident in a country of the EU, EEA or Monaco, your premium must be paid in Euros (€).

If you are resident in the UK or Gibraltar, your premium must be paid in Sterling (£).

The currency in which your premium is paid is the currency that will apply to the cover you have purchased, and in which a claim will be settled and the chosen excess applied.

Your payment will be debited to your debit/credit card in the currency in which the premium is paid.

Can I insure my golf clubs?

Yes, under our Single and Annual Multi-Trip policies you can take out our optional golf cover. It covers not only your owned or hired golf clubs for loss and damage up to £/€ 1000, but it also covers you against loss of green fees.

Do I have to pay my medical bills abroad?

If it is a small claim for medicines or minor treatment, you should pay the bills and submit your claim to the nominated claims company whose details are shown on page 7 of the full policy wording.

If you are admitted to hospital or the medical bills are large, then you should contact the Medical Assistance Team whose details are shown on page 7 of the full policy wording.

What is the definition of a couple?

On all our policies a couple is defined as: any couple (including same sex) who are married or in a common-law relationship or who have co-habited for at least 6 months.

What is the definition of a family?

You, Your spouse or Common Law Spouse and all dependent children under the age of 18 years.

What is the definition of a single parent family?

On all our policies a single parent family is defined as: one adult and all dependent children up to the age of 17 at the date of booking the travel insurance.

Am I insured for sports and other activities?

You are covered for a number of sports and activities which are carried out on an occasional basis. For specific details refer to the Activity and Sports Section in the full Policy Wording .

When does Cancellation Cover commence?

Single Trip policy – Cover for cancellation of a trip commences at the time you book the trip or the policy is purchased and the premium paid, whichever is the latter.

Annual Multi-Trip policy – Cover for cancellation of a trip commences at the time you book the trip during the Period of Insurance or at the start of the Period of Insurance, whichever is the latter.

Cover for Cancellation ends when you leave your home or place of work, to start your trip, whichever occurs last.

Can a spouse/partner or child included on an Annual Policy travel separately?

Any of the adults named on the Schedule of insurance can travel separately. A child named on the policy must travel with another adult. This can be an adult named on the policy or any other responsible adult aged 25 or over.

Who underwrites the Policies?

For residents of the EU, EEA, and Monaco, cover is provided by Lloyd’s Insurance Company SA. For residents of the UK and Gibraltar cover is provided by Lloyds’ Syndicate, Canopius Managing Agents Ltd.

Am I covered for travel within my Country of Residence?

There is no cover under Section 2 – Medical Expenses and Repatriation, but cover applies under the other sections if your trip is away from your home for at least two nights stay in pre-booked accommodation, or there are travel arrangements that have been pre-booked with a commercial carrier.

What is an Excess?

An excess is the first part of any claim that an Insured Person must pay before the policy will come into force. Details of the excess you have chosen can be found in the Schedule of Insurance which was issued to you when you purchased your insurance..

Are Winter Sports covered under Annual or Single Trip Policies?

No, Winter Sports are not covered automatically. However, you can choose winter sports cover as an option under both Annual multi-trip and Single Trip policies. The optional extension will give a total of 17 days Winter Sports cover during the validity period of the policy

Up to what age does the child rate apply?

The reduced rate for children applies up to the age of 17 at the date of purchase of the insurance when a child is named on a family policy. If a child is the insured person on their own policy the child rate will not apply. The full premium must be paid.

What is the maximum number of days per trip that an Annual multi-trip policy covers?

Depending on your age and destination, an Annual multi-trip Policy can be purchased to cover individual trips of either: 17, 32, 45 or 90 days. Subject to the eligibility requirement set out in Definition 9 – Country of Residence in the full Policy wording, unlimited trips can be taken during the policy period up to the maximum number of days per trip that you have purchased.

Maximum periods per trip are:

  • Trips to Europe – there is a maximum of 90 days per individual trip for clients aged up to 79
  • Trips Worldwide (excluding USA/Canada) – there is a maximum of 90 days per individual trip for clients aged up to 65; there is a maximum of 45 days per individual trip for clients aged between 66 – 75 and 32 days for clients aged between 76 – 79
  • Trips to USA/Canada – there is a maximum of 90 days per individual trip for client aged up to 65; there is a maximum of 32 days per individual trip for clients aged between 66 -75 and 17 days for clients aged between 76 -79

What cover is available for claims related to the C0VID-19 virus?

There is a standard general exclusion on the policy which excludes cover under all sections of the policy for any claim related to the COVID-19 or similar virus.

However, for an additional premium, a COVID-19 Extension is available as an Option. The extension can be purchased at any time during the validity period of the policy except when the policy is being used during a trip.

Each area of cover is subject to the level of benefits you have chosen when purchasing your policy and which is shown on your Schedule of Insurance.

A summary of the cover is as follows:


If you have to cancel your trip because you have contracted or been diagnosed with COVID-19, provided you are fully vaccinated in accordance with the regulations and recommendations in force in your Country of Residence at least 42 days before your trip is due to start, you can claim for any expenses, which you have paid in advance, and which you cannot recoup from any other source, in the following circumstances:

  1. If you are hospitalised up to 28 days before your trip and are unable to travel on your planned dates.
  2. If you contract or are diagnosed with COVID-19 within the 14 days before your trip and so are not able to travel on our planned dates.
  3. You are denied boarding onto your booked commercial transport because you show symptoms of COVID-19.


If you contract COVID-19 during your trip, or you are told you must quarantine because you have received an individual “track and trace” directive; or you are denied boarding at your point of departure and are unable to travel on your planned and pre-booked commercial transport and have to extend your trip, you can claim for the following:

1. a) Additional accommodation costs until you are able to return home.
b) The additional cost of return transportation to your home country.

2. If you contract COVID-19 during your trip: medical expenses and, where necessary, the cost of medical repatriation.

Once you leave your Country of Residence you cannot claim for any expenses, which you have paid in advance for arrangements you must forego because you have contracted COVID-19 whilst travelling.

Am I covered for any pre-existing medical conditions?

The underwriters of the Europesure travel insurance do not ask you declare any pre-existing medical conditions you may have.

The cover available is as follows:

Exclusions list
a) Any respiratory condition (relating to the lungs or breathing), heart condition, stroke, Crohn’s disease, epilepsy or cancer where you have received treatment in the last consecutive 60 months before the policy is issued.
b) Any condition where you have received a terminal prognosis
c) Any medical condition that you are aware of but have not had a diagnosis
d) Any condition where you are on a waiting list for treatment or know that you will need treatment.
e) any condition (even if it is on the list of conditions which can be covered automatically) for which you have had surgery or in-patient treatment at a hospital or clinic, or have undergone investigations at a hospital or clinic, during the 12 months before your trip.

There is cover for:
Any respiratory condition (relating to the lungs or breathing), heart condition, stroke, Crohn’s disease, epilepsy or cancer where you have not received treatment and the condition has been stable and well controlled on GP administered medication for the full 60 months before the start of your trip. Treatment includes but is not limited to: non-routine tests or investigations by your doctor or a consultant/specialist; hospital admission or referral and/or newly prescribed drugs or medication because of a worsening of your condition.

There is a list of medical conditions which will be covered, provided you can comply with any of the conditions shown in brackets against the condition and you have not required hospital admission or referral to a specialist because of a worsening of your condition during the 12 months before your trip.

If you have a medical condition, which is not excluded in the Exclusions List and is not included in the list of conditions that can be covered then you will have cover if:

  1. The condition has been stable and well controlled for the 24 months before the start of your trip on medical practitioner administered medication. and
  2. You have not required a hospital admission or referral to a specialist because of a worsening of your condition.

For full policy information click here

Can I add any of the Optional covers to my policy after it has been issued?

You can add any of the Optional Covers at any time during the validity period of the policy while you are in your country of residence and not travelling. You cannot add an optional cover whilst you are away from home during a Trip.

When you add any of the Optional Covers to your policy there will be an additional premium to pay.