Getting Assistance Whilst you are travelling


You must contact the medical assistance company, authorised by the insurer of your policy, if, during your trip, you are ill or hurt in an accident and admitted to hospital or you contract an infectious disease (such as chickenpox, or COVID-19 if you have purchased the optional COVID cover extension) and cannot return home on your planned date and transport. You will find their contact details in your policy wording and also on your Schedule of Insurance. They will liaise with your treating doctor to discuss your treatment and if, after discussion, it is deemed medically necessary to transport you back to your country of residence for treatment, they will arrange this.

They will also arrange transport home after you have received treatment as soon as it is agreed with your treating doctor that you are fit to travel.

If you cannot travel home on your planned return date because you are still in hospital or are still infectious they will also organise transport home.

If you need to travel home early because you have received notice of the illness or death of a relative, or there has been a burglary or major damage to your home, you must also contact them before making alternative arrangements. If you do not, any claim you might wish to make for the additional transport costs may not be considered.

If you have a policy where the certificate number on your Schedule of Insurance commences with LB200xxx, ES2xxxx-xxxxx or ES3xxxx-xxxxx below are the details of the nominated Assistance Company:

Cega Medical Assistance Team
Tel: +44 (0) 1243 976 393 (24 hours)

You should tell them You have a Europesure travel insurance policy and give them the Contract number and the certificate number shown on your Schedule of Insurance.